Thursday, July 10, 2008

Gimme a miracle!

Good morning. This is a devotional for single adults from Parenting Solo, but the message also applies to single adults without children who may one day marry a single parent and be a step-parent. Feel Free to forward it to a friend.

Scripture: Matthew 12:39 (The Message) Jesus said, “You’re looking for proof, but you’re looking for the wrong kind. All you want is something to titillate your curiosity, satisfy your lust for miracles.”

We live in a society that wants proof that God exists virtually every day. People like Benny Hinn because they want to believe that God is a god of miracles. We are willing to pay $20 and line up at a circus tent to see revival from a god-barker. “Come on people! Come on down! Get your healings! Right here!” But those same people won’t go down to their local church and be a part of long-term revival or find healing from relationships they’ve built over the years.

We want our fix, and we want it now. Yet, God seems to go off and hide when we demand miracles for proof of his existence. He knows even if he does provide said proof that many will walk away and demand another miracle. It’s human nature. In Matthew 12:38, the Pharisees are again asking Jesus for a miracle healing. He won’t do it. He’s done it too many times for them, and he figures enough is enough. At some point, people have to believe in God for the right reasons. Either their hearts are right or they aren’t. If they aren’t, God simply walks away and waits. And waits. He always has more patience than we do. He’ll wait us out.

Some people will do the carnival evangelist over and over. They’ll stand in line and get slain on stage, hoping for a miracle. They’ll get caught by the catcher and swear that Jesus healed them. They’ll walk away minus the limp, but it’s back the next morning. Sometimes, the pain is psychosomatic, sometimes it’s a thorn in their side that Jesus refuses to remove, for his own reasons. Either way, Jesus wants real faith. Anything short of that, and you deserve to lose your $20.

Real faith takes time, and it takes energy. It isn’t something you can catch in a moment and suddenly be energized for 20 years. That kind of faith runs out of gas before you get to the top of the hill, then it coasts backwards until you slam into a tree. Real faith believes in the good times and in the bad. We don’t blame God when things don’t turn out the way we had hoped and prayed. We accept that it’s God’s will, and that he knows a thing or two. Fake faith constantly demands proof. People like that go their whole lives without real faith.

How does this apply to my life?

Today’s prayer: Lord, give me real faith. Give me faith that lasts a lifetime. Give me faith that doesn’t demand proof. Amen

Doug Mead

Parenting Solo

Copyright 2008. All rights reserved.

Vol. 3, No. 85

This week’s reading plan can be found at http:/

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